Automate Your Finances: How to Save and Invest on Autopilot

Achieve financial peace of mind.

Jan 18, 2025
Automate Your Finances: How to Save and Invest on Autopilot
Today, I want to help you take the stress out of your finances and put your money to work for you. I can personally attest to the power of automating your financial system. To me, it has been a game changer and has brought me a sense of being in control when it comes to money topics. If that's what you're looking for as well, this post will help you.

The Key to Effortless Wealth-Building

We want to achieve financial peace of mind - no more anxieties about bills, savings, or investments. The benefits are many:
  • You can enjoy a more relaxed, happier life without money worries constantly on your mind.
  • You'll have the freedom to spend guilt-free on the things you love. Because you know that your financial foundations are taken care of.
  • Your money grows steadily through the power of compounding. Compounding interest plus time will allow you to reach your long-term financial goals.
Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it. — Albert Einstein

The Pitfalls of Common Money Advice

Many people fall into the trap of overthinking personal finance. When people don't want to tackle their finances, it's due to reason such as:
  • Thinking that they don't earn enough.
  • Being intimated by the complexity of the financial world.
  • Believing outdate advice like the stock market is gambling.
Others try to micromanage every dollar, only to burn out while doing so.
Let me speak from experience. For me, it wasn't until I implemented an automated financial system that I truly started to feel in control and see my savings grow.
I learned that money grows best when you take yourself out of the equation. An automated finance system is so powerful because it prevents emotional mistakes and paralysis.
Allow your wealth to compound and grow steadily over time. There is no need for the stress and anxiety of constantly monitoring your accounts and making decisions.

Introducing the Finance Automation System

Here's a step-by-step guide for the Finance Automation System that I've implemented. This is how you take the hassle out of your finances:

1. Get Out of Debt

  • First, if you have any debt, figure out how much you actually owe. A lot of people have no clue, which makes it hard to come up with a solid plan. Take some time to add it all up.
  • Next, decide where to start paying it off. You can either focus on the debt with the highest interest rate or the one with the lowest balance. Either way, make a plan to pay off one debt in full at a time. This will build up your momentum.
  • See if you can negotiate a lower interest rate with your creditors. This will save you a ton of money in the long run and help you pay things off faster.
  • Take a close look at your spending habits. Figure out where you can cut costs and free up more cash for accelerated debt payments. Even small changes can make a big difference.
  • The most important thing is to get started. It's better to have an imperfect plan and take action than to get stuck trying to make everything perfect.

2. Set Up Your Bank Accounts

  • I personally use three bank accounts: one for my income, one for daily spending, and one for subscriptions and services. This helps me keep a clear overview of where my money is going.
  • Choose a "local" bank that you trust as your main account. Look for features like automated savings plans and interest-bearing accounts.
  • Supplement with more flexible online banks or "neobanks" for daily spending and subscriptions. I use Revolut and N26 which have convenient features and accessibility.

3. Automate Your Savings and Investments

  • Divide your take-home pay into four categories:
  • Fixed costs (max. 50-60% of your take-home pay)
  • Investments (min. 10%)
  • Savings goals (5-10%)
  • Guilt-free spending (20-35%).
  • Set up automatic transfers to allocate your money accordingly. That way, you're consistently saving and investing without having to think about it.
  • For investments, consider simple index funds that track the overall market. This provides diversification and solid long-term returns with minimal effort.
  • Investing is the most powerful way to grow your money because it offers a higher rate of return than even the best savings accounts. On average, the stock market has delivered annual returns of around 8% (after accounting for inflation) based on decades worth of data. The reason this 8% figure is so important is the magic of compound growth. With compounding, the earlier you start investing and the longer you stay invested, the more your money will snowball over time. It's not about quick returns, but rather the patient, steady growth that occurs when you leave your investments alone to work their magic.
  • Any leftover money in your guilt-free spending category is yours to use however you like. No guilt or second-guessing.
By following this system, you can take yourself out of the day-to-day money management. Safe finances, calmer life.


  • Automating your finances is the key to effortless wealth-building and financial peace of mind.
  • Common money advice like extreme frugality or distrust of the stock market often backfires. An automated system works better.
  • The Finance Automation System helps you in several ways.
  • Get out of debt
  • Optimize your bank accounts
  • Automatically allocate your income to savings, investments, and guilt-free spending

Take my finance automation course

If this was helpful for you and you would like to learn more, I created an affordable course about finance automation that walks you step-by-step through the whole system so you can implement it yourself